Thursday, February 26, 2009

Epistemological Modesty, Ctd.

Andrew Sullivan has a good post which pulls back on Brooks worry and skepticism. He has more patience than me and makes some good points.
I don't think it's fair to conflate a practical plan to tackle [the financial crisis] in all its aspects with a utopian and rationalist approach to remaking the world. The truth is: the world has already been un-made. Obama has no choice but to think big. Americans understand this, as anyone outside the Washington cable-chatter cocoon would. Although I cannot see through the unknowns any better than David can, it does seem to me that so far, the main criticism of Obama's plans - on foreclosure, the banks, the stimulus - is that they may not be bold enough. And addressing long-term fiscal health at the same time is not an over-confident over-reach. It's a recognition of reality.

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