Monday, September 15, 2008

Obama's New Ad Nails It.

Now this is an attack ad!

Well done. It takes on McCain's strength -- his reputation for honor and taking the high road -- and then strips it bare by highlighting the recent ads, ads that can't be easily spun in any way but as cheap and disgusting and that don't really make an emotional connection with the general perception of Obama. This could really work because McCain's reputation is such a big part of who he is. Then it links his mud-slinging to his policies and to George Bush. It helps push along the new narrative I think is being created: What happened to John McCain? He used to be this straight-talkin' honorable guy, now he lies more than Karl Rove. This should help. Though, my feeling is this is necessary, but it isn't going to solve all of Obama's problems. It's still just responding to McCain's ad, not fighting on his own turf, and doesn't offer something positive for people to get excited about. What it will do is stop the bleeding and get people and the media to take another look at McCain.

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