Monday, September 29, 2008

Apocalypses And Silver Linings

The bailout is rejected and the Dow drops 600 points. The only thing that occurs to me right now, apart from whether or not I should stuff my savings under a mattress, is that maybe, just maybe, through all the suffering that will probably be happening in the near future, the country might start to confront the unsustainable lifestyle and mindset that we've been living with. I hope that Congress passes the bailout on a second vote, but part of me worries that only if it doesn't will we be broken out of our denial.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you catch the really powerful interview Bill Moyers did with Andrew J. Bacevich (professor, former military officer, and author of "The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism"), who argues that our government wages wars to fuel our insatiable consumerism (and addiction to debt)?