Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Last Debate (Thank God!)

A snore if you ask me. McCain seemed more animated, though animated like a smart-ass frat boy. He didn't, doesn't, look presidential. Obama looked tired and less commanding than in any of these three debates -- it reminded me a little of the primary debates. He also a seemed a little professorial, technocratic. He was boring, frankly, but Andrew Sullivan has the best observation about that:
The first black president will only get there by boring a lot of white people. And haven't we had enough drama in the last eight years? Boring is fucking awesome after Bush.
Best line for McCain: "I'm not Bush. If you wanted to run against him you should have run four years ago." Best for Obama: "I think [your attacks] say more about your campaign than they do about mine."


Anonymous said...

I think McCain just has a creepy smile ... like wax museum creepy

Anonymous said...

Listen, Yoda-let's stay focussed on the REAL issues like women having a right to have bright pink hair.

Axuve is right: best line for McCain was when he said "I am not Bush." If McCain came up with that 7 weeks ago, he would be much more formidable now.

McCain seemed impatient and was NOT presidential at all. He acts like a teenager who always has to get in the last word edgewise. So sarcastic. Compare that is Obama is is even keeled, poised at all times: clearly it is Obama who would have more of a steady hand on the tiller.