Friday, November 7, 2008

Rahm the Rottweiler?

So Rahm Emmanuel is going to be the new chief of staff. His reputation is that he's a very capable son-of-a-bitch -- not a diplomat. My first instinct is that this is good. Obama needs people who are capable and not afraid of stepping on toes or pissing people off. If there is anything to learn from the Republican party it's that we can't be afraid to be assholes sometimes in order to get the things we want done. I did however, read a critical assesment from Yuval Levin at the Corner that points out that being chief of staff is a people-managing job, which isn't Emmanuel's strong suit. It does seem, I have to admit, to go against the idea that Obama doesn't like drama and would want a administration that reflects his campaign. And then again, there could be a good cop, bad cop thing going on here. So...Well, we'll see, won't we. (I should also point out that from the few times I've read the Corner, it's a far right-wing blog that shouldn't be taken too seriously)

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